September 19, 2005


Mom and dad, bet you never thought you'd see this. Over summer vacation I decided to change things up a bit. I stopped shaving for a month. I must tell you there is no freedom quite like the 15 extra bits of free time I gained every two to three days in the morning by not frantically looking for a new Mach 3 blade of considering just how many quarts of blood I'd lose by using an old one. My kids at school also greeted me with cheers and dubbed me "Wild-o" or "Rusty Sensei is very Wild-o!!!" It was fun for about a week and then was just hot. Here is the transformation.

The mustache is my personal fave.


At 4:20 PM, Blogger lj said...

Just nasty!

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Andrew said...

Wow. I really don't know how to respond to that. The mustache Rusty reminds me of some crazy cartoon villain.

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Rusty and Rachel said...

Gee thanks, sdray of the Hot Rod Halloween. I always thought that if I was trying to run a successful Hot Rod classic car insurance business, the best place to advertise would be on Rachel and Rusty Woods' blog site. I'm glad you see it my way. You're strategy of hoping those people who comment on my 'bearded' phase and discover the option to explore classic car insurance will be unable to resist such an option is astoundingly brilliant. Best of luck in the future, sdray. I hope my blog provides you with a wave of successful insurance business. However, when you become a successful mult-millionaire due to your humble beginnings of my 'bearded phase' comments, please remember me, the bearded man on whose shoulder's you stood.


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