August 08, 2006

いいおもいでね!!!/ Good Memories!!!

While rummaging through some stuff from Japan, I found a list of things Caleb (Holsey) graciously copied for me. So, many thanks for the cheer up during paper writing week. I share a few from a long list in hopes of cheering up other current/ex-AET types who need something to laugh about these days. Without further ado:

You might be an AET...

  • If your indoor shoes at one school are your outdoor shoes at another.
  • If you say 'hello' more than 200 times a day.
  • If you've ever gone to K's Denki with no intention to purchase anything, just to sit in the massagine chairs.
  • If you have ever pretended not to understand Japanese to avoid explaining an awkward subject.
  • If you've ever taken a nap while sitting on your school's 'western' toilet (for sake of sempai, not encouraging this behavior:) .
  • If you have a teacher you still call 'sensei' becasue you honestly don't know her name.
  • If you have ever told a bad kid exactly what you think of him in fast English with a big smile on your face.
  • If you have ever carried on an hour long conversation via C-mail...
  • If you have a set path that you walk through every corridor in your school from 4:30-5:00. (I started on the third floor and worked out to the tennis courts.)
  • If you think 'Ne?!' is a complete sentence in Japanese. (Still using that in my head.)
  • If you've ever answered the question "How are you?" with "I'm super!"
  • If you've ever ordered at a restaurant without using words.

Hope that brightens your day. Now, back to the books...


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